Kayaker’s Prayer
Kayaker’s Prayer
God, Grant me the Eyes of an Eagle
The Judgements of an Owl
The Quickness of a Hummingbird
The Reflexes of a Cat
The Radar of a Cave Bat
The Heart of a Bull
The Balls of A Kayaker.
Kayaker’s Prayer
Our sport which is on the ocean
Hallowed be thy name
Till kingdom come
The paddling will be done
On estuaries as it is on the ocean
Give us this day
Fair paddling weather
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those bastards that want to sue us
Deliver us not into temptation to deck the sods
But deliver us from lawyers (and our homes too!)
For the ocean is the kingdom
The sweat and the tears
For ever and ever
“Water is the first medicine. I am water. We are water.”, every pull of the paddle is a prayer.